Chakra Balancing for those with Disabilities

Chakras are the life houses in our bodies. When they are out of whack you feel emotionally unstable, foggy, frustrated, tired, etc. It can even cause digestive issues and physical pains life a stiff neck or back.

I have worked with people with disabilities for 15 years of my life. They are my people, my group. When correcting and taking care of your chakras you feel peace and happy and he ability to think freely and clearly.  I want to bring this clarity to those who also struggle with disabilities.

Working with people with disabilities and helping their chakras will help with behavioral issues, going to sleep at night, and complying to following directions.

I want to help you, I want to help them.  I specifically have been working with adolescents with Autism and have had amazing success with healing and comforting and improving their daily life.

Cleansing chakras for those with disabilities is another step closer to helping them and you have peace clarity and growth. 

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