Energy Work Sessions

Book Your Appointment Here!

What is Energy Work?

Under the law of conservation of energy, Energy is neither created nor destroyed.

We must work to feel and feed our souls. There is no coming to light  “There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul.  One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious” -Carl Jung

Work is a transfer of energy between two objects. Together we work as spiritual energy is pushed through the body promoting healing.

Everything is and has energy. When we feel emotions it is a source of energy. We allow it inside our bodies. Emotions are there to bring awareness.

We hold on to emotions. We allow them to become apart of us. We hold on to memories and pains and  guilt.

We must learn how to hold space for that emotion and then move these through us so we may see the light through the dark.

Using healing light energy, these emotional blocks can be moved and replaced with healing energy and thoughts. In turn beginning to think more clearly & transitioning more gently through life’s cycles.

What to know when booking Your First Energy Work Session:

Beginning the session you lie down on your back, on a table, similar to a massage table. You relax finding a gentle rhythm with the breath.

Using my hand I will hover over the spirit body looking at the chakras. I will balance them and receive information and affirmations that are specific to you in order to promote true healing.

I will examine the energy body for an hour. Intuitively moving energy that is stuck remove blocks, chords, hooks or anything found on the spiritual body.

The session will have you in and out of a light sleep. Prime for healing.

Things to remember *

Energy work takes time and can sometimes be in layers. Together with patience finding peace of mind

white light energy work hands - reiki

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